Please note that in light of recent events regarding the Covid-19 virus, there may be delays to any published interview dates. Please apply as normal and we will keep you informed via email of any changes. Thank you.
Fixed term for 9 months (maternity cover), Full Time
The School of Music and Humanities invites applications for a fixed term full time post in Linguistics based in Linguistics and Modern Languages.
We are a department with an excellent reputation for research and teaching in linguistics, English language and modern foreign languages, based in the School of Music, Humanities and Media. We are particularly well known for the applied focus of our work, and we offer a range of undergraduate and postgraduate degrees related of our areas of expertise. Our work in English Language specifically is recognised by the University having been listed in the 2018 QS World University Rankings by subject for 'English Language and Literature'.
In addition to conducting research, the successful candidate will contribute to undergraduate and possibly postgraduate teaching across a number of modules and courses in linguistics, leading lectures and seminars, as well as undertaking administration duties associated with teaching and the delivery of our courses.
We are interested in candidates who have a PhD in Linguistics (or are nearing completion) and have a developing record of high quality publications and other research related activity.
The successful applicant will have expertise in Linguistics and will be able to teach Syntax. Experience in Child Language Acquisition is also desirable.
If you would like to have an informal discussion about the post please do not hesitate to contact Dr Liz Holt, subject leader, on 0044 (0)1484 478426 or email
If you are currently registered as a full-time student at the University please note that you may only apply for part-time jobs of 15 hours or less per week.
For more information, please download the recruitment pack.