Cultures of Place

Cultures of Place

24.6.22 - 4.7.22, Huddersfield


Exhibitions, Performances, Workshops, Broadcasts, Talks & Discussion 

Cultures of Place is a celebratory showcase of exhibitions, installations, performances, workshops, podcasts, talks and discussion about place.

The School of Arts and Humanities at the University of Huddersfield, in collaboration with Temporary Contemporary and Kirklees Council, introduces a range of projects across different creative and cultural practices, including: art, architecture, creative writing, cultural studies, design, English literature, fashion, film, history, media, music, performance and textiles.

Hosted across three sites Queensgate campus (University of Huddersfield), Queensgate Indoor Market and The Piazza this programme of activities presents many different exchanges and engagements with local arts and cultural organisations, community groups, existing cultural institutions in Huddersfield and place-based initiatives (Temporary Contemporary, Year of Music 2023, WOVEN in Kirklees, Huddersfield Literature Festival, Children’s Biennale).

We invite you to deepen your understanding and celebration of place through this programme.

Click here for the digital brochure.

We thank all contributors, collaborators and existing place-based initiatives for their involvement in this programme, with our special thanks to: AME/Dai Hall, Children’s Art School, CollaboRATI, Colouricity, Dark Horse, Huddersfield Art Gallery, Huddersfield Heritage Action Zone, Parlour by Parley, West Yorkshire Archive Service, West Yorkshire Print Workshop, WOVEN in Kirklees, Year of Music 2023.

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Colin Frank, Maria Sappho, Sam Gillies

Create Lab, Barbara Hepworth Building, University of Huddersfield

A video exhibition of place-based performances across Huddersfield.

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Simon Woolham, Jodie Matthews

Parlour, Unit 3, The Piazza, Temporary Contemporary

A workshop and subsequent exhibition exploring the textures of the canal space. 

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James Dyer, Nick Deakin

West Yorkshire Print Workshop, Unit 2, The Piazza, Temporary Contemporary

Inspiring different ways of thinking about place through slow, counter-intuitive interactions with graphics.


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Amy Chen, Katrina McLaughlin

CollaborArti Gallery 1, The Piazza, Temporary Contemporary

Capture your relationship with the place you call home through a hands-on craft workshop, creating a textiles electrical circuit.

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Liam Devlin


A podcast series about cultural, emotional and creative engagement with place, featuring collaborators, participants and members of the Temporary Contemporary community.

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Katrina Whitehead

The Piazza

A public exhibition featuring photographic portraits of Huddersfield community.

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Huddersfield Art Gallery

Mirror brings together new work created specifically for Huddersfield Art Gallery. Figurative painter Lindsey Bull explores imagined portraits and her links to fashion imagery, clothing, rituals and more.

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Melissa Fletcher, Bea Martin, Katrina McLaughlin

Queensgate Indoor Market

Questioning the fabric of Huddersfield and inspired by the town’s heritage and history, this installation examines the relationships between the visible present and the invisible memories.

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B. Spatz, L. Dodd, N .E. Erçin, A. Mendel

Holocaust Centre North, Heritage Quay, University of Huddersfield

An experiment in collaborative memory and placemaking through audio-visual methods. 

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West Yorkshire Print Workshop

Unit 2, The Piazza, Temporary Contemporary

Drop in to West Yorkshire Printhouse for free, to learn about animating town centres with printmaking and try printmaking inspired by the townscape.

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Angela Hoyos Gómez, Juan Hernández

AME Dai Hall, Unit 29/30, the Piazza

A digital immersive environment in which sound is created from the light of stars, with performances, participatory activities and talks from Astronomers throughout.

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D. Di Mascio, C. Diggle, H. Darnell, T. Ahmed

Queensgate Indoor Market + Create Lab, Barbara Hepworth Building, University of Huddersfield

An exhibition and workshop to prompt ideas and design proposals around the town, triggering new narratives.

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Ruchi Singh, David Vélez, Duncan Chapman

AME Dai Hall, Unit 29/30, the Piazza, Temporary Contemporary

An examination of the cultural tradition of forced harvesting rhubarb from the perspective of two foreigners living in Yorkshire.

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Yun Gao, Adrian Pitts

Create Lab, Barbara Hepworth Building, University of Huddersfield + Temporary Contemporary

A symposium and research showcase exploring sustainability in the context of Huddersfield.

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N. Clear, H. Jun Park, H. Lee, M. Adkins

Market Gallery, Queensgate Indoor Market

An exhibition exploring the historical architectures of Huddersfield through immersive VR technology.

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Textile staff, student researchers

Poundland (Piazza unit 28)

An exhibition of practice-based textiles research featuring staff + student work, exploring themes in the context of Huddersfield’s industrial heritage.

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Nik Taylor, Merrick Burrow

University of Huddersfield

In 1865 the Davenport brothers played Huddersfield’s Philosophical Hall. This event combines fantasy re-enactment with talks on themes of magic, fraud and spiritualism.


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Dave Calvert

The Piazza, Temporary Contemporary & various Huddersfield locations

The Great Huddersfield Song Swap 2022 uncovers the songs that have meaning for the people of Huddersfield.

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Elnaz Yazdani, Kayleigh Davis

Market Garden, Queensgate Indoor Market + University Colour Garden at Percy Shaw House, University of Huddersfield

In collaboration with WOVEN in Kirklees and the Growing Colour Together group.

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Katherine Lewis, Todd Andrew Borlik

Univeristy of Huddersfield + Kirklees Priory

An exhibition and talks on the Robin Hood legend, exploring its connection to local history and followed by a trip to Kirklees Priory and Robin Hood’s grave.

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Dale Holmes

Huddersfield Art Gallery

A new site-specific work, comprising elements developed from the artist’s interest in Medieval marginalia, sports clubs, psychedelics and the countryside surrounding Huddersfield. 

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Lindsey Bull, Dale Holmes

Huddserfield Art Gallery

Discussing contemporary painting practices in the context of their solo exhibitions at Huddersfield Art Gallery.

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Tom Cassani

University of Huddersfield

Using hair suspension as a medium for physical exploration, this durational performance work expands space, time and site.

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Dark Horse Theatre

Piazza (grass amphitheatre) & Huddersfield Train Station + St George’s Square 

Highly poignant piece of physical theatre exploring how we long for physical touch and intimacy when it is no longer permitted

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Dark Horse Theatre

Piazza (grass amphitheatre) & King Street (outside Boots)  

Visually-impactful and moving piece of street theatre made and performed by the Dark Horse company. 

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Our Biennale

The Piazza, Temporary Contemporary

A carnival of workshops, exhibitions, processions and flash mobs celebrating what the young people who have taken part in the Our Biennale festival have achieved working with Kirklees artists and arts organisations.

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School of Arts and Humanities

Come and visit our graduate showcase featuring work from final year undergraduate students across art, architecture, costume, creative writing, cultural studies, graphic design, interior design, English literature, fashion, film, history, media, music, performance and textiles.

This commissioned film was produced by local social enterprise KLTV, a media production and news resource for the whole of Kirklees.